---*** Thanks for trying out polethis.pl version 1.0a ***--- Descripton: This script may be used to conduct a one question web survey. It enters the individual responses in a viewable log. It also displays the running totals, and graphs the current results. With this readme file you should have received: polethis.pl the cgi script referred to as the pl file polerslt.html the log file polethis.html the page with the survey question gnu.html the GNU general public license 1pix-red.gif the linegraph image Copyright and Disclaimer: Copyright & disclaimer information is contained in the header of the pl file which may be read by opening up the file in a text editor like the one you are using to read this. This software is covered by the GNU General Public License which you should have received along with the software. Installation: 1.) UNIX 2.) NT Quick Start instructions can be found in the pl file header. 1.) ***** UNIX Installation **** a.) Make the changes in the
of the polethis.html file to customize the survey. b.) The first line of the polethis.pl script reads: #!/usr/local/bin/perl. However, if your server has a different path to Perl you must replace /usr/local/bin/perl with the correct path. To locate Perl on your server, type: 'which perl'(without the quotes) at your shell prompt. [note] /usr/bin/perl is also a very common path. c.) A couple of variables are user setable and are located just below the header in the pl file: $logfile is the name of your log file. The default name is polerslt.html. If it is in a different directory than the pl file, the path must be included in the variable. The $unix variable must be set to "1" for UNIX systems and "0" for NT. [note] Be careful not to omit the semicolons at the end of each statement when setting the variables. Skip down to the Choices array section. Change the array elements to match what you have placed as options in the polethis.html file. Go to the Radio Buttons section and do the same there. d.) Transfer the pl file to a directory from which you can run cgi. On some servers your cgi script must be in the cgi-bin directory in order to be executed. Make sure that you upload the script with your uploading software set to ASCII or Text mode NOT Binary mode. e.) Make sure the permission to execute the pl file is set. On UNIX servers, from your shell prompt, cd to the directory where the files are located, and type: chmod 755 polethis.pl to correctly set the permission. f.) Transfer the polerslt.html file to the same directory or to a directory that you specified in the path portion of the $logfile variable. Make sure the permission to read and write is set for the logfile. On UNIX servers: cd to the directory where the file is located, and type: chmod 666 polerslt.html DO NOT remove the comment, , from the log file? g.) polethis.html should be placed in the same directory as the pl file. If it is placed elsewhere change the action attribute of the form element to reflect the new location. h.) 1pix-red.gif should be placed in the same directory as the pl file. 2.) ***** NT Installation ***** a.) Make the changes in the form of the polethis.html file to customize the survey. b.) A couple of variables are user setable and are located just below the header in the pl file: $logfile is the name of your log file. The default name is polerslt.html If it is in a different directory than the scripts, the path must be included. The $unix variable must be set to "0" for NT servers. [note] Be careful not to omit the semicolons at the end of each line when setting all variables. Skip down to the Choices array section. Change the array elements to match what you have placed as choices in the polethis.html file. Go to the Radio Buttons section and do the same there. c.) Transfer the pl file to a directory from which you can run cgi. On some servers your cgi script must be in the cgi-bin directory in order to be executed. Make sure that you upload the script with your uploading software set to ASCII or Text mode NOT Binary mode. d.) Make sure the permission to execute the pl file is set. If you are not able to set the permission yourself, contact your system administrator or web presence provider. e.) Transfer the polerslt.html file to the same directory or to a directory that you specified in the path portion of the $logfile variable. Make sure the permission to read and write is set for the logfile. DO NOT remove the comment, , from the log file? g.) polethis.html should be placed in the same directory as the pl file. If it is placed elsewhere change the action attribute of the form element to reflect the new location. h.) 1pix-red.gif should be placed in the same directory as the pl file. Support: I can offer only limited support for this software and only for an indefinite period of time. Please carefully read this file and visit the home page http://theaction.com/scripts before contacting me for help. If your problem involves html rather than cgi, please consult some of the numerous sources of info on the web first.Feedback: All comments, bug discoveries, reports, and other feedback should be directed to scripts@theaction.com Please include the script name and version # in all correspondence. If you find that this script works/doesn't work on an OS or server not listed on the web site. Please let me know the OS and server names and versions.